Fallston High School Class of 1983
Classmates's Businesses

Fallston Class of 1983 Alumni Business List

Welcome to the Fallston Class of 1983 Business List.  This list of companies and business owned by or employing Fallston High alumni is intended to provide information to other almuni seeking products and services and who wish to consider doing business with fellow FHS alumni.

It is easy to get your business listed on this page! and it is FREE!

If you are interested in adding your name and company or organization to the alumni business directory, please send an e-mail to 

Suzanne (Peters) Burton - Suzanne@SuzanneBurton.com; Lisa (Bailey) Appel - glappel@verizon.net;
Rob Brown - rdb80@verizon.net; Shirley (Matthews) Roberson - sroberson1@verizon.net
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