This class reunion website has temporarily expired. For more information, click here.
Fallston High School Class of 1983

Welcome  to the

Fallston High School

 Class of 1983



On this website you will find alumni news, reunion information, and photo albums. We will also maintain classmate's contact details and e-mail addresses.  This website has been designed to provide a network to keep in touch....easily!  You can use this website to share personal news, urgent news, events, invitations and photos.

Keep adding those photos to the photo albums!

Moving? New e-mail address? Please help us keep our classmate contact list current.  Add your new contact details. You can also help to locate missing classmates by clicking on "Missing Classmates".

Please keep your information updated too

Reunion Committee...There's Always Room For More - Everyone is welcome to join in, if you would like to be a apart of the Reunion Committee or have any ideas or suggestions, please don't hesitate to email.  Suzanne (Peters) Burton -; Lisa (Bailey) Appel -; Rob Brown -; Shirley (Matthews) Roberson -


Click on the Category Lists to the Left:

Classmate's Information to Update Your Personal Information (Click Add Details)

Reunion Photos (5th, 10th, 20th and 25th Reunion) for Complete Picture Recap of Past Reunion Festivities

Do You Remember When Photos & Family Photos to Add Photos of You & Your Classmates 30+ Years Ago and Recent Photos of You & and your Family.  Don't Be Shy!

Scholarship to Give Back and Donate to the Ann Baker Fallston High Class of 1983 Alumni Scholarship
